Planning for Programming and Purpose

Design a facility to meet the programming and service needs of the community.


  • Connecting Your Programming Needs with Your Building 
    An important task in the architectural design process is space programming. This process involves an analysis of spatial needs and identification of the specific rooms for different functions as well as spaces that need to accommodate a variety of uses. This webinar focuses on the important unique qualities of tribal museums and cultural centers and how the standard museum space programming processes should be modified for indigenous institutions. Discussions begin with planning principles, how the space program grows from the strategic and interpretive plans, the typical types of spaces within museums and cultural centers, and how an analysis of public vs. private and environmental conditions will assist your planning team in the organization of the building. We will discuss indoor/outdoor relationships from a functional perspective as well as the issues of natural lighting and accommodating traditional view sheds within the building. Specific spatial, technical, and building code requirements will be reviewed for spaces reserved for gathering, exhibits, collections, education, food, administration, loading and service, building systems, and a range of other space types. We will explore budgeting techniques in programming that assist the planning team in starting the design with a realistic understanding of cost in your region.


  • Space Planning Calculations Worksheet


  • Otoe-Missouria Cultural Center Wish List

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