In 2022, ATALM worked with five Tribal libraries of various sizes to develop new digital inclusion labs. Each library had a common vision to preserve its language, culture, and heritage through the new digital inclusion labs. In addition, they wanted to ensure their Tribal citizens felt connected to the community, whether they lived near or far.
Although there were common visions, each Tribal library developed a unique plan to execute their lab to meet their community needs. The variety of solutions that emerged from each Tribal library demonstrated that each library knew its community the best. ATALM provided this flexibility in the project since a “one-size-fits-all” approach would not have produced the desired outcomes for each Tribal library. To help refine ideas and prioritize the budget, each library received a one-on-one site visit from Carson Block, a library tech consultant who helped guide the process of identifying their community needs and effectively fulfill their plans with the given budget, space, and equipment.
To learn more and gain inspiration for your Tribal library’s digital inclusion efforts, view the expanded project summaries below.